An 8 week online sacred container
This container is designed to help spiritual writers of any genre and those who want to know more about accessing their own soul's story for their spiritual growth. The world needs your unique SOUL STORY. How do you find it? By accessing the wisdom that lies within YOUR SOUL
You came here for a reason; to recreate our world one story at a time.
Why must we reclaim our spiritual stories?
The library of Alexandria was burnt down, the Emerald tablets were stolen, the God Osiris was hacked into pieces, the Goddess Sekhmet was mind controlled, the Knight Templars were infiltrated, the sacred ones who carried the scrolls of wisdom were murdered, the truthers deplatformed, the witches were hanged, drowned and burnt.
You think it’s easy getting a spiritual story out into the world?
Think again. You’ll have to walk through your own wounds of spiritual persecution to get there, there’ll be forces which will stand in your way but the time is now for you to be
rewriting our HIS STORY, and reclaiming OUR STORY.
* Access supernatural gifts & understand how to write magical & spiritual realism
* Learn how to channel your soul's story
* Write, Speak, or Share a Story that will change your life and activate your Soul Tribe.
Do you have the urge to write a prolific epic story told straight from your soul’s truth but you are...
Feeling creatively blocked.
Have lots of ideas but find it hard to settle on one.
Unclear how to channel your work.
Procrastinating and not enjoying the writer's journey.
Don't have a community of spiritual writers who can support you.
​Then you are so welcome to join this community of spiritual writers and learn about the unique new genre Cheryl created - Spiritual Realism - and why it’s so important to get your spiritual tone right, the one which matches with what your soul wants you to say so that
​Writing can be your spiritual awakening.
I had my own spiritual awakening when training as an actress. I tapped into spirit for the first time when my Nan who passed on appeared in the rehearsal room. This led me to train as a healer and experience a past life when I was killed for being a witch. Seeing the lack of decent acting roles and stories out there about Witches, I decided to write my own soul story and my play AWAKEN was born.
AWAKEN is the first in a trilogy of plays which span lifetimes and realities, using the storytelling premise of past lives and current karma to tell its tale. When developing AWAKEN I began to bring my healing practices into the rehearsal room to work with actors, using shamanic drums to journey into character stories and working independently on past life regressions to gain material for the plays. This opened up a more expansive reality and gave me a way into my emerging genre of spiritual realism and stories told from the soul.
Whilst working as a playwright, I developed spiritual techniques to help me keep in the creative flow state, heal from past pain brought up from channeling my souls story and supernatural tools to bring new realities into being. I have previously run Spiritual Writers' groups to help people access their own soul stories. My passion is utilising storytelling as a form of healing, activating soul awakenings and bringing in the new 5D earth. Storytelling is that important, as the Shamans, Druids, Temple Arts Teachers & Witches of the past knew....
What do you get?
8 live zoom calls on Wednesday evenings (7-9pm London,UK)
Live channelled sessions and soul guidance
Online support for all writers in the group
Free meditations, past life regressions & shamanic journeys
Recordings sent after each session for those who can't attend Live.
A 3D writers course where we learn how to write a story.
This is an important craft to navigate but more vitally what is often not taught is about getting to the fire, air, water, earth & ether of your story, the energy of your tale and the story of your soul.
The story you must tell and won’t give up until you do.
This will be a profound healing journey so be prepared to dive deep into a world that breaks apart the paradigm you previously knew.
This story isn't out there already written, it's within your soul waiting to be told.
Your commitment is to turn up each week (live or in the replay), do the practices, WRITE and take good care of yourself. Spiritual warriors like you have lived through many lifetimes of spiritual persecution to try and keep them silent. Today you have been called to reawaken the wisdom inside of you.
You can do this!
You have to.
It’s been ordained by your soul.
This container will be kept small so we have time to focus & flow with what comes up to be healed, shared and channelled from the soul for each member in the spiritual writers container.
If you have any questions please email
My passion has always been making my work affordable to everyone.
If you need a discount you can book on the DISCOUNT tab below,
otherwise please select the DIVINE rate offered.
Time Zone London, UK
Week 1 - March 6th, Wednesday, 7-9pm
3D Energy Alignment
Chakras 1-7 clearing,
creating sacred space to begin,
grounding the story
and planting the seeds for it to grow.
Week 2 - March 13th, Wednesday, 7-9pm
5D Energy Alignment
Chakras 8-12,
protecting your story,
writing spiritual stories,
accessing your support and getting magical.
Week 3 - March 20th, Wednesday, 7-9pm
Finding your Soul's Story
You and the character,
Your soul & the story
Creating the world through past life regression,
shamanic journeys and meditation.
Week 4 - March 27th, Wednesday, 7-9pm
Healing your Soul's Story
soul retrieval work,
understanding the depth of spiritual persecution,
trauma release,
reclaiming what you lost.
Week 5 - April 3rd, Wednesday, 7-9pm
Righting your Soul's story
Soul guidance,
healing & activation,
how to write about 5D spiritual characters,
from fantasy to reality.
Week 6 - April 10th, Wednesday, 7-9pm
Soul karma & dharma
creative and energetic blocks,
understanding your karma,
anchoring in your writing purpose,
giving up what you knew and going a level deeper.
Week 7 - April 17th, Wednesday, 7-9pm
Channelling your work
Spiritual tools & techniques,
the supernatural spiral,
your soul's wisdom,
your 5D why - which makes you unstoppable in a 3D paradigm.
Week 8 - April 24th, Wednesday 7-9pm
Sharing your work,
1-2-1 feedback
channelled messages
soul story activation & alignment
5d plan to get your work out to the world
This container is built with love, devotion and dedication to help all 5D storytellers find their soul stories and activate the next wave of spiritual storytelling for this time of ascension.